About Us
There are approximately 80,000 Holocaust survivors living in the United States today. Many are 85 and older, and as many as 1 in 3 live in poverty. Social isolation, poor health, and depression are common, stark reminders that the scars of trauma can last a lifetime and that, for this most vulnerable of groups, time is running short for us to help heal them.

In 2015, The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) received a grant from the United States Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Community Living/Administration on Aging to develop innovations in ‘person-centered, trauma-informed’ (PCTI) care for Holocaust survivors. JFNA used the grant and additional philanthropic dollars to create the Center for Advancing Holocaust survivor care and to date has funded over 400 programs.
In 2018, The Blue Card, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting Holocaust survivors in need, received a two-year grant from JFNA to advance Holocaust survivor care and promote person-centered trauma-informed approach to care. The focus of the grant was to train medical professionals (physicians, dentists and nurses) about the triggers and impact of trauma on Holocaust survivors and how using a PCTI approach promotes well-being.
The Blue Card partnered with The Russell Berrie Institute for Simulation Learning (ISL) at Holy Name Medical Center in Teaneck, New Jersey to develop an interactive web-based training course. This online module with simulated scenarios educates healthcare professionals about the triggers and impact of trauma on Holocaust survivors. Using a PCTI care model, healthcare providers can learn to promote well-being and avoid re-traumatization. While the training focuses on the specific experiences and insights of Holocaust survivors, PCTI care can be used to inform the care of any traumatized person or people group, like refugees and veterans.
This interactive web-based module offers healthcare professionals an opportunity to participate and receive continuing education credits at completion.
This program is made possible by federal funds from a grant through The JFNA Center for Advancing Holocaust Survivor Care. Approximately 69% of the project comes from federal sources and 31% from non-federal sources.